The Buzz That Comes With Bill and Hillary

SUSAN HODARA was starting to feel a little left out. After all, the president and the first lady moved here several months ago, and nearly everyone else in town, it seemed, had already met them. ”I kept hearing about people having their Hillary encounters — first all my friends, and then my daughter at school, and then I started feeling — Hey, what about me?” Ms. Hodara said.

Finally, it happened. Ms. Hodara, a writer, was working at a voting booth during a referendum on expanding the Chappaqua library when Mrs. Clinton came to vote. Yet — despite their meeting — Ms. Hodara still feels behind the curve.

”I said, ‘Nice to meet you,’ and I was very excited at my Hillary meeting until I realized that it didn’t really measure up,” Ms. Hodara said. ”It’s not enough just to see her. One woman told me, ‘Oh, yes, Hillary gave me a hug.’ Now she’s got a hug and I’ve got a voting booth. The stakes have really gotten higher.”

