Neighbors: Many in Chappaqua Are Asking, What Now?

IT was the morning after Election Day and my children were moving more slowly than usual, still bleary-eyed from staying up too late watching the results.

”Hurry!” I chided my 12-year-old son, Paul.

”This is one day you cannot miss the school bus. Do you have any idea what it’s going to be like downtown today after Hillary’s election? She’s probably going to give a press conference at the house, then greet commuters at the train station and then head to Lange’s deli. There are going to be satellite trucks and media everywhere, and I do not want to get stuck in that traffic.”

Paul dutifully jogged down the street and made the bus. I was congratulating myself on having side-stepped the madness when I turned on the radio to discover that Hillary wasn’t in Chappaqua at all. She was in Manhattan.

